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Modern Slavery

Modern Slavery Policy

1. Introduction

Monster Parties Trade Limited ("the Company") is committed to preventing modern slavery and human trafficking in all its forms. This policy outlines our commitment to ethical business practices and our approach to identifying and eradicating any potential instances of modern slavery within our operations and supply chains.

2. Policy Statement

At Monster Parties Trade Limited, we believe in respecting and upholding the dignity and rights of all individuals. We condemn all forms of modern slavery, forced labour, and human trafficking. Our company operates with a zero-tolerance approach to these practices and is dedicated to ensuring that they have no place in our business operations or those of our suppliers and partners.

3. Scope

This policy applies to all employees, workers, contractors, agents, and any other individuals working on behalf of Monster Parties Trade Limited. It extends to all aspects of our business, including our supply chains, both domestic and international.

4. Responsibility

The Directors and senior management bear the ultimate responsibility for ensuring compliance with this policy and establishing effective measures to prevent modern slavery. All employees and workers have a duty to adhere to this policy and report any concerns related to modern slavery or human trafficking.

5. Compliance with Laws and Regulations

We will comply with all relevant laws, regulations, and industry standards concerning modern slavery and human trafficking, including the Modern Slavery Act 2015 in the United Kingdom.

6. Risk Assessment

We will conduct regular risk assessments to identify areas within our business and supply chains where there may be a risk of modern slavery and human trafficking. This will help us implement appropriate measures to mitigate such risks effectively.

7. Supplier and Partner Due Diligence

We will implement due diligence processes to assess the risk of modern slavery in our supply chains. New and existing suppliers and partners will be evaluated based on their ethical practices and commitment to human rights. We will work collaboratively with our suppliers and partners to address any identified risks and support them in improving their standards if necessary.

We ask our suppliers to commit to these principles via our supplier contracts.

8. Employee Awareness and Training

We will provide appropriate training to our employees and workers to raise awareness of modern slavery, human trafficking, and related risks. This training will empower them to recognise the signs of exploitation and report any concerns promptly.

9. Reporting Mechanisms

We encourage employees, workers, suppliers, partners, and other stakeholders to report any suspicions of modern slavery within our business or supply chains. Reports can be made confidentially through our established reporting mechanisms.

10. Whistleblower Protection

We will ensure that individuals who report concerns or suspicions about modern slavery are protected from any form of retaliation or victimisation.

11. Continuous Improvement

Monster Parties Trade Limited is committed to continuously improving our efforts to combat modern slavery. We will review and update this policy regularly to reflect best practices and any changes in legislation.

12. Communication

This policy will be communicated to all employees, workers, contractors, suppliers, and partners. It will also be made available to the public via our company website.

13. Review

This policy will be reviewed annually or more frequently if required, to ensure its effectiveness and alignment with our commitment to combat modern slavery.

Signed: Christopher Fowler - Director

Date: 30th June 2023